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Massage Therapy

HEAL offers expert level Muscle Rejuvenation Therapies. Hawaiian Lomi Lomi, Acupressure, Thai, Native South and North American shamanic practices, Neuro-muscular therapies, Sports, Swedish, TMJ/cranial-sacral therapy and multiple other advanced techniques combine to create signature therapies designed for our individual clients.

30 minutes $55 (add-on only)

60 minutes $100

90 minutes $145    2 hours $200


Skin Rejuvenation Therapy

Enjoy a one hour massage with a focus on alleviating skin irritation from weathering and sun damage, dryness, and common ailments such as eczema, dermatitis and psoriasis.  This healing massage is followed by a rejuvenating exfoliation and nourishing wrap returning balance to the skin and body. 

2 hours and 15 minutes $215


Body and Mind Rejuvenation Therapy

Massage and Divination Combo.  Enjoy a one hour massage followed by your choice of a 75 minute intuitive consultation.  Divination is an enjoyable way to tune back into your highest goals, hopes, ambitions and path.

Please set aside 2 hours and 30 minutes $215


Spirit Rejuvenation Therapy 

Adjust your frequency with this all encompassing experience. Massage Therapy is combined with chakra balancing techniques, true color therapy, guided meditation, essential oil and tuning fork application.  This one of a kind experience has a focus on offering balance and solace to the weathered spirit and a returning of natural calm to the body. 

90 minutes $160

Aroma and Plant Essence Voyage

Aroma essence anointment for nervous system regulation combined with therapeutic massage techniques for muscle and mind relaxation. Works to create a deeper connection to the self and to nature.  

75 minutes $135


Become the Light Therapy

Sunlight and Color Therapies have a place in history that takes us back thousands of years to China, India and Egypt. These ancient cultures used color halls bathed in sun light to rejuvenate the body when nothing else worked.  Our body’s circadian clocks and biorhythmic state depend on receiving a balanced amount of sunlight.  Our current society operates in “the dark” most of the time or worse artificial light, creating a myriad of imbalances that show up as depression, insomnia, anxiety, muscle aches, headaches, etc.  HEAL Wellness Studio looks to enhance the positive effects of massage with non-invasive light and color application to return your nervous system to a state of original balance.

$30   add on therapy


Guided Meditation

Embark on a guided meditation journey into the deepest parts of your psyche.  Find symbols and intuit a deeper knowing that can heal and bring balance to the mind, body and spirit. 

30 minutes $50


Intuitive Therapies

Divination tools such as tarot cards, pendulums, runic stones, oils, sound, etc. are used to illuminate your own higher knowing and intuition.  Your practitioner will guide you through your psyche to find the answers you are looking for. These techniques are fun, insightful, and reassuring when life offers questions that seem unknown.

75 minutes $100

Treatment Add Ons (15 minutes extra per add-on)

Head, scalp and hair therapy                                             $35

Feet Treat:  exfoliation, hot towels and body butters    $45               

Chakra Balancing                                                                 $40

Elo Perfect Hot Stone add on                                            $30                




A gentle and powerful guidance technique meant to support the client looking for personal answers to deeper questions, pinpoint issues, behavioral patterns and general ailments. Clients find peace, resolve, resolution and ways through often difficult mental and physical patterns. Please call for more details.                                   90 minute session $145


Past Life Regression

Our genetic memory, handed down patterns and past life residue can often leave us with questions and sometimes karmic weight, memories, fears and even duties. Explore what remains hidden today and open doorways for a clearer tomorrow. Assisted soul retrieval. Can aid in resolving health issues.  Can offer information as to your general character, likes or dislikes, hunches, de ja vu, premonitions, precognition, relationships questions, location anxiety or attraction. This is a deeply explorative form of guidance that can offer answers to many unsolved questions.         

 90 minute session $145


Future Life Progression

Questions about future unknowns can often leave us with fear, anxieties and hopeless feelings. Get clarity and feel more confident moving forward with this progressive hypnotic guidance technique.        75 minutes  $125

HYPNO TRIO: Experience all 3 for a deeply transformative, explorative and self-understanding experience.                               $400

Many treatments can be conducted easily through ZOOM~

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